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About us

Terminale GNL Adriatico Srl, commonly known as Adriatic LNG, is the company that designed, built and operates the LNG Terminal located offshore Italy, in the northern Adriatic Sea.

The company was established in 2005 by Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and Edison.

The Adriatic LNG Terminal is the world’s first offshore Gravity Based Structure (GBS) for unloading, storing and regasifying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

With its 8 billion cubic meters capacity, approximately equal to 10% of the country’s entire gas consumption, the Adriatic LNG Terminal is making a significant contribution to increasing and diversifying Italy’s traditional sources of energy imports, thus contributing to the security and competitiveness of Italy’s energy supplies.

The importance of the project has been recognized by Italian and European authorities. The Terminal has been declared a project of Italian and European strategic interest respectively by CIPE (Interministerial Institute for Economic Planning) and by the EU Commission.

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