News ed Eventi
01 October 2013

Adriatic LNG supports the Rice Feast in Porto Tolle
Adriatic LNG is the main sponsor of the third edition of the Rice Feast in Porto Tolle (Rovigo)
READ MORE23 July 2013

Adriatic LNG supports cultural initiatives in Cavarzere
The company is main sponsor of the symphonic concert of July 20 dedicated to the bicentenary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth. Adriatic LNG will also be partner of Teatro Comunale “Tullio Serafin” for next 2013-2014 theatre season
READ MORE17 June 2013

Adriatic LNG supports the 12th edition of the Festival of Bread in Loreo
The event is organized by Pro Loco and the Municipality of Loreo, under the patronage of the Veneto Region, the Province of Rovigo, the Park of the Po Delta, the Consvipo and the Chamber of Commerce of Rovigo