"Contractor Safety Forum", Adriatic LNG’s initiative dedicated to the prevention of workplace incidents, is back

"Contractor Safety Forum", the event on safety and prevention of workplace incidents promoted by Adriatic LNG - the company that manages the regasification terminal located off the Veneto coast - is back.
The initiative stems from Adriatic LNG's commitment of creating a widespread safety culture also through a strong involvement of contractors, with the aim of working together to develop business processes guaranteeing ever higher safety standards.
13 contractors, of which 6 from Veneto, participated in this Forum’s edition.
The day began with a speech by Adriatic LNG, followed by supplier companies’ security managers.
The company closed 2021 with high safety performances for people and this is also the result of Adriatic LNG’s investment in terms of time and planning dedicated to training and information on workplace safety.
Employees and suppliers had then the opportunity to attend the show "A Chi Esita" by "Rossolevante", a theater company, which has been staging social issues on safety culture for years.
"This year Adriatic LNG wanted to experience the use of theatrical codes with regard to an important theme such as the safety one and of the dissemination of culture that must support it - states Alfredo Balena, Health, Safety and Environment Manager of Adriatic LNG -. The show helps to reflect on some potentially dangerous behaviors, which can be avoided every day in the workplace but not only. Therefore, this will be a further opportunity to raise awareness for all of us on the importance of implementing concrete actions to carry out increasingly correct and safer behaviors in any life context ".
This is the first time that the theatrical performance arrives in Rovigo and for the occasion, together with Adriatic LNG, the theater company added a new scene compared to the "classic" show, relating to falling objects from above which is one of the most common risks for those working on the terminal.
On stage a gallery of monologues by victims of accidents, families and friends. “The show is a paunch in the stomach – states Juri Pirrodi, Co-founder and Artistic Director of Rossolevante – we could see ourselves in some attitudes and it leaves you speechless, with a lot of awareness and discomfort”.
The company's message is clear: “Day by day, we are committed to improving incident prevention and protection measures - Balena concludes -. The highest safety standards or the strictest procedures may not be enough without sharing values within the company, among employees and contractors working for Adriatic LNG ".