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Adriatic LNG presents "The outlook for energy" at "Chioggia Incontra"

Adriatic LNG attended the 12th edition of “Chioggia Incontra”, the cultural festival organized every year by the association “Il Fondaco” in Chioggia.

“The outlook for energy” was the theme of the debate held on May 6th by Alfredo Balena, responsible for External Relations of Adriatic LNG, Arturo Lorezoni, Padua’s University professor of Electricity Market Economics and Davide Tabarelli, President of Nomisma Energia.

Alfredo Balena has illustrated the outlook for the global energy demand and supply in a long-term perspective, through data published in the ExxonMobil’s report “The outlook for Energy: A View to 2040”. As highlighted in the report, by 2040 the global demand for energy is expected to increase by 25%, shifting to lower-carbon fuels like natural gas and renewables. This trend will be triggered by multiple factors, such as the expansion of the middle class, the growth of developing economies and the increase of the world’s population from 7 to 9 billion. In particular, the energy mix will be reshaped by economics and government policies, especially those aimed at reducing Co2 emissions associated with energy use.

As mentioned by Alfredo Balena, the real challenge will be satisfying the future energy needs in a responsible and sustainable way by combining the technological development with secure, reliable and economically competitive energy sources. Natural gas, which is the cleanest-burning major fuel, abundant and versatile, will become the world’s second energy source with an increase in demand of 50%. In such a scenario, the Adriatic LNG Terminal will keep playing a key role in energy supply for Italy and Europe.

Approximately 200 people attended the event. Thanks to the speakers’ expertise the audience got effective and clear information about energy despite the complexity of the theme. The debate was followed by a Q&A session.