
News ed Eventi

16 December 2014

Adriatic LNG and Federcoopesca together to foster the fishery

Adriatic LNG and Federcoopesca together to foster the fishery

On December 10th the workshop ‘Fishing tourism and ichthyic tourism. Best practices and future perspectives' took place, in Porto Tolle (Rovigo)


10 December 2014

Adriatic LNG and Polesine Film Commission together to promote the local area

Adriatic LNG and Polesine Film Commission together to promote the local area

Adriatic LNG supports Polesine Film Commission in the making of an historical reenactment film “Come mirano giusto costoro”, directed by Ferdinando de Laurentis


03 December 2014

Adriatic LNG wins the Fair Play 2014 Award

Adriatic LNG wins the Fair Play 2014 Award

Adriatic LNG has been awarded the “Fair Play 2014” prize by Rovigo’s Panathlon association for “its constant commitment to support sport in Polesine area”.