News ed Eventi
09 October 2023

Running in the Po Delta with Adriatic LNG
The event closing the 12th edition of the running Adriatic LNG Circuit was a great success.
READ MORE10 August 2023

Great opera under the stars thrills the square in Cavarzere
A thousand people gathered Saturday, July 15, 2023 in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in Cavarzere for “La grande lirica sotto le stelle”, organized by the Deltartisti association with the support of Adriatic LNG.
READ MORE10 August 2023
Eco-design at the San Giusto Center thanks to Adriatic LNG
The collaboration between Adriatic LNG and the summer center of the San Giusto Oratory in Porto Viro (Rovigo) continues, which has enabled about five hundred kids, from first grade to eighth grade, to enjoy a rich program of games, workshops and excursions for four weeks.